Varied interests in the energy and power sector viz., CDM, carbon rating, Monitoring & Evaluation, Energy Management, Rural Development; Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy related matters; Demand Side Management (DSM), Energy Audits, Distributed Power Generation (Biomass, Wind,Solar and Small Hydro), Participatory Management.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Energy security

Energy security is a major concern of countries around the world, what, with the global oil supply prices skyrocketing. We are now loooking at alternate energy resources. Of late, energy efficiency and renewable energy have attracted attention of G8 countries as well. Now is the time to commercialize approaches and options.

Monday, August 07, 2006


CDM projects

There are several energy efficiency projects which qualify for carbon credits under the CDM protocol. These have not yet found their way into the registration process. This is probably one of the best ways to encourage implementing energy efficiency projects in developing countries. This will not only minimise energy shortages but also reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Energy efficiency is one of the best options to reduce carbon emissions. Other methods to popularise energy efficiency like ESCOs, financial modelling, grants and awards have not made much headway in commercialising energy efficiency and reaping real benefits.